Module 1: Introduction à l’examen périodique universel-G2
Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)Acquérir une meilleure connaissance de l’Examen périodique universel (EPU) ; identifier les phases du mechanisme et reconnaître les parties prenantes, afin de mieux évaluer et présenter les besoins en matière de droits humains dans votre societé.
Module 4: Dratfing UPR Reports
BundleLearn the modalities, guidelines, and best practices for drafting good UPR reports that will allow stakeholders to see their concerning human rights issues reflected in the review and later on, through the UPR cycle.
Drafting UPR reports : UPR mid-term reporting-CSO/NHRIs
CourseStakeholders are encouraged to submit mid-term reports halfway through the UPR cycle. This course covers the modalities, guidelines, and best practices in drafting and submitting mid-term reports to help implement and monitor the UPR recommendations.
Accesible on demand
Drafting UPR reports: UPR mid-term reporting - States
CourseStates are encouraged to submit mid-term reports halfway through the UPR cycle. This course covers the modalities, guidelines, and best practices in drafting and submitting mid-term reports to help implement and monitor the UPR recommendations.
Module 1: UPR Basics
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Acquire better knowledge on what the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is; identify the main phases of the UPR process and recognize the main stakeholders involved in the mechanism to better assess and present the human rights needs in your society.
Module 2: Key actors's roles
BundleKey Actor's role