What you will learn

Optimise your documentation throughout the UPR process

  • Understand the reporting process

    There are two stages where reporting is an entry point to engage with the UPR mechanism: at the preparation for the Review and, at halfway between Reviews. Understanding this process will enhance your possibilities to monitor how the human rights situation is evolving in your country through the UPR.

  • Optimising and developing UPR reports

    Learn how to write effective reports and follow the standards and best practices for the UPR process. UPR Info will help you make the most of your engagement with the mechanism.

  • Getting the most value out of the reporting process

    The reporting process enhances the possibilities for stakeholders to map the different entry points towards monitoring and implementation of recommendations. You will acquire technical knowledge to draft and submit UPR reports, whether you are a CSO, a NHRI or a State.

Social proof: testimonials

We learned how to write relevant UPR recommendations and a convincing report based on evidence

Amadaliva Feruza. Consultant and social worker “Info Center Rainbow” Osh region.

The workshop helped us to analyse and systematize knowledge on human rights issues. Thanks to the workshop, we learned how to (focus on more specific sub-issues and) analyse baseline information as well as existing national legislation to assess the current situation concerning children rights. To write relevant UPR recommendations and a convincing report based on evidence, we need to gather this baseline information.

This will facilitate the gathering of information and the research for the UPR report

Aissatou Kodho DIALLO. Association des parents et amis des victimes du 28 septembre 2009 (AVIPA), Chargée de l’organisation de la musicothérapie

This will make it easier for my organisation to engage in the next round in Guinea. This will facilitate the gathering of information and the research for the UPR report, especially the research to assess the level of implementation of the recommendations of the previous cycles that relate to our priority themes. After this workshop, I will continue to engage in the UPR process by contributing to the drafting of the joint thematic report on justice, state institutions and impunity.

We learned about the UPR reporting process and the different stages of drafting.

Mamadou SYLLA, Mariama Ciré KEITA, Kabinet CAMARA. Institution Nationale Indépendante des Droits de l’Homme (INIDH), Commissaires aux Droits de l’Homme.

Through this workshop, we learned about the UPR reporting process and the different stages of drafting, including information sharing and consultations for the final report. Once the UPR report is completed, we will share it with all relevant entities. As a first step, we will share the learning from this training with other INIDH commissioners who did not attend. A small committee within the INIDH is drafting the stakeholders report and we will continue to work together once the feedback has been received. We will continue our engagement with the UPR of Guinea beyond the submission of the report.

How we deliver training

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